Sunday, September 21, 2014

Good Laugh: "The Husband Zone" Response to "Hot Crazy Matrix"

If you haven't seen the "Hot Crazy Matrix" video yet, it's a guide for men when it comes to dating and how to pick the right woman according to this chart. Have to love this Youtube Vlogger who created a response to this video with "The Husband Zone". Check it out for a good laugh.

The Husband Zone

 Hot Crazy Matrix

Now that you're single, are you sleeping on the Entire Bed?

Months have passed since I have been annointed as a single mom and I am still sleeping on the right-hand side of a queen size bed. It doesn’t matter if the flock is preventing my sideways orientation by standing guard on the bed’s borders because by morning I am clinging to a simple sheet on the edge of the bed. Sounds as if I am holding a space for my ex? Highly unlikely – and we’re leaving it at that. It’s a 12-year habit that’s going away TONIGHT.

This evening I have pulled back the
covers and am taking on status quo
with my two-pillows and soft blanket
with a tag that reads “life.” 

Here’s the plan:

1. Put all the pillows on the center of the bed, leaving the sides pillowless. (Removing temptation. Ha!)
2. Surround my body with the grey fuzzy life-branded blanket.
3. Strategically place my foot warmers down the bed’s center line (i.e. cat).
4. Curl up with a good book using my new reading light so that I do not have to get out of bed disrupting my new state.
5. Sip a glass of wine slowly and enjoy.
After putting the girls to sleep, I put my plan into motion and guess what? I woke up this morning in the middle of the bed, legs and arms extended in a perfect x-position. Habit KICKED. I am just getting used to the space in my bed and in my life.
Who knows what I’ll do next?!

Is someone who chooses to be alone a social misfit?

A simple conversation isn’t always simple.

“I like life to be a little interesting. Yes, I take the kids to school and go to work, but I don’t want my kids to think life is that programmed,” he said and he followed it by grabbing her hand and giving her a hug in the middle of the street.

The two always hugged their goodbyes sans hand grab because their families were more like family than friends. The woman’s instincts kicked in and she turned her head left, leaving his kiss floating in the space between them, a space that would now grow larger due to his inappropriate advance. “That’s interesting but I would not want anything to come between my friendship with your wife,” the woman said.
“I think we are going to be good friends. My wife knows that I think you are very attractive and that my pursuing you is harmless. I am just a flirt,” he said. “I always tell my children that there are two sides to every story and how you frame it is your truth,” he added.
Not only did he save his ego but he protected his marriage. If this lady told his wife then somehow the woman would be transformed into the divorced dingbat with an active imagination. Nice work, Counselor!

The Question.

Are we so hard-wired to be in relationships that someone who chooses to be alone is a social misfit, needing validation from any man? Furthermore, is a single woman a dangerous woman? Should we be respected less because we expected and expect more? But here’s an uncomfortable fact … the woman in this story was hit on by 3 married men in the last 3 months. Two were her friend’s husbands.

What would you do … ?